Privacy Policy
OpenSupport will never sell or give your name, physical address, or email address to any other company or organization except for the purpose of shipping, and tracking your order. We do not send unsolicited email.
Personal Information
When you order from OpenSupport, your personal information is used to solely to process and communicate with you about your order.
Get on our Mailing List
You can join our e-Newsletter by checking the appropriate box on either the checkout page or the sign up page. You can manage your e-Newsletter preferences by going directly to our email Subscribe / Unsubscribe page.
OpenSupport does not engage in telemarketing, nor will we sell, trade, or give your information to anyone else.
Cookies are used as session identifiers and allow us to keep track of the items you add to your shopping cart while you navigate our website. The use of cookies is intended to enhance your online shopping experience. We do not use cookies for tracking purposes nor do we collect any personal information.
Secure Server
OpenSupport uses SSL technology to encrypt all online order transactions. Your credit card number and other information is encrypted and transmitted to our secure server and then de-encrypted so only we can read it. After a short time, your card number is deleted from our system for safety purposes, so you can be sure of the safety of your personal financial information if you order from us.
If you would prefer to make your order by telephone you may call us at 855-OPEN-SUP, Option 1.